Koala Tea Company

Koala Tea is factory GMP /HACCP accredited. We are an ACO organic processor. Our individually wrapped herbal teabags are manufactured and packed onsite using unbleached hemp fibre filter paper. All materials can be safely composted.
Koala Tea Company
Establishment year: 1995
Employees: 5

Contact person
  • Products 商品一覧
  • Image Gallery イメージギャラリー


Unique Selling Proposition
The original and still our Number 1 selling tea - No Worries. This caffeine free, certified organic tea is a good tonic when too many things are happening and you begin to feel frazzled. No Worries tea contains a special blend of certified organic mint, lemongrass, lemon balm & roasted chicory root.
Selling online and at Go Vita Stores & a variety of health food outlets & small supermarkets in Australia
ACO - Australian Certified Organic | Our factory is approved for export by AQIS and we are GMP/HACCP accredited | We were awarded Exporter of Year, from our regional council
New to Japan
Each teabag is individually wrapped & complete with string and tag and there are 20 teabags per pack. Ingredients are listed on both the pack and the teabag envelope.
TemperatureShelf Stable
Range of flavour/varietyChoose from Contemporary Design or Original Artwork
Shelf life3 years from date of production
Package/Lot size and size rangese 28g per pack of 20 teabags
Carton size and pallet configuration20 packs per carton x 144 cartons
Indicative PricingAUD$72 FOB
Minimum order quantity1 pallet
Notescan order a mixed pallet with other teas


Unique Selling Proposition
Our Turmeric Tea is a favourite cuppa for many. This unique, certified organic herbal tea, has been expertly created and blended in house combining certified organic turmeric with ginger, lemon grass and peppermint to make a delicious, flavourful tea that will have you coming back for more! Caffeine Free.
selling at Coles & Woolworths Supermarkets plus a variety of smaller supermarkets & health food stores
ACO - Australian Certified Organic | Our factory is approved for export by AQIS and we are GMP/HACCP accredited | We were awarded Exporter of Year, from our regional council
New to Japan
Each teabag is individually wrapped & complete with string and tag and there are 20 teabags per pack. Ingredients are listed on both the pack and the teabag envelope.
TemperatureShelf Stable
Range of flavour/varietyChoose from Contemporary Design or Original Artwork
Shelf life3 years from date of production
Package/Lot size and size rangese 36g per pack of 20 teabags
Carton size and pallet configuration20 packs per carton x 144 cartons
Indicative PricingAUD$72 FOB
Minimum order quantity1 pallet
NotesCan order a mixed pallet with other teas


Unique Selling Proposition
One of our most popular teas Dreamtime Tea contains a delicious blend of certified organic camomile, lemon balm and passionflower thoughtfully formulated to promote a good nights sleep. Caffeine Free.
Selling online and at Go Vita Stores & a variety of health food outlets & small supermarkets in Australia
ACO - Australian Certified Organic | Our factory is approved for export by AQIS and we are GMP/HACCP accredited | We were awarded Exporter of Year, from our regional council
New to Japan
Each teabag is individually wrapped & complete with string and tag and there are 20 teabags per pack. Ingredients are listed on both the pack and the teabag envelope.
TemperatureShelf Stable
Range of flavour/varietyChoose from Contemporary Design or Original Artwork
Shelf life3 years from date of production
Package/Lot size and size rangese 26g per pack of 20 teabags
Carton size and pallet configuration20 packs per carton x 144 cartons
Indicative PricingAUD$72 FOB
Minimum order quantity1 pallet
Notescan order a mixed pallet with other teas


Unique Selling Proposition
Here at Koala Tea, we have long wanted to make a woman’s support tea, and have carefully considered an effective formula which may be helpful to women of all ages. Caffeine free and delicious with a teaspoon of honey, I AM WOMAN contains certified organic rooibos tea, wild yam, astragalus and red clover.
Selling online and at Go Vita Stores & a variety of health food outlets & small supermarkets in Australia
ACO - Australian Certified Organic | Our factory is approved for export by AQIS and we are GMP/HACCP accredited | We were awarded Exporter of Year, from our regional council
New to Japan
Each teabag is individually wrapped & complete with string and tag and there are 20 teabags per pack. Ingredients are listed on both the pack and the teabag envelope.
TemperatureShelf Stable
Range of flavour/varietyChoose from Contemporary Design or Original Artwork
Shelf life3 years from date of production
Package/Lot size and size rangese 36g per pack of 20 teabags
Carton size and pallet configuration20 packs per carton x 144 cartons
Indicative PricingAUD$72 FOB
Minimum order quantity1 pallet
Notescan order a mixed pallet with other teas


Unique Selling Proposition
This supportive tea is made with our special blend of certified organic, fortifying herbs which include; yerba maté, echinacea and olive leaf making both an anti-viral and anti-bacterial tea that helps in building and stimulating a strong immune system. This tea contains caffeine.
Selling online and at Go Vita Stores & a variety of health food outlets & small supermarkets in Australia
ACO - Australian Certified Organic | Our factory is approved for export by AQIS and we are GMP/HACCP accredited | We were awarded Exporter of Year, from our regional council
New to Japan
Each teabag is individually wrapped & complete with string and tag and there are 20 teabags per pack. Ingredients are listed on both the pack and the teabag envelope.
TemperatureShelf Stable
Range of flavour/varietyContemporary Design only
Shelf life3 years from date of production
Package/Lot size and size rangese 36g per pack of 20 teabags
Carton size and pallet configuration20 packs per carton x 144 cartons
Indicative PricingAUD$72 FOB
Minimum order quantity1 pallet
Notescan order a mixed pallet with other teas


Unique Selling Proposition
Our popular, caffeine free Cleanse Tea complete with certified organic rhubarb and burdock to support the digestion plus roasted chicory root and nettle to support the clearing of toxins and St Mary’s thistle to soothe the liver it’s the perfect combination to get your cleanse on.
selling online and at Go Vita Stores & a variety of health food outlets & small supermarkets in Australia
ACO - Australian Certified Organic | Our factory is approved for export by AQIS and we are GMP/HACCP accredited | We were awarded Exporter of Year, from our regional council
New to Japan
Each teabag is individually wrapped & complete with string and tag and there are 20 teabags per pack. Ingredients are listed on both the pack and the teabag envelope.
TemperatureShelf Stable
Range of flavour/varietyChoose from Contemporary Design or Original Artwork
Shelf life3 years from date of production
Package/Lot size and size rangese 36g per pack of 20 teabags
Carton size and pallet configuration20 packs per carton x 144 cartons
Indicative PricingAUD$72 FOB
Minimum order quantity1 pallet
Notescan order a mixed pallet with other teas


Unique Selling Proposition
Our unique blend of certified organic green tea, mint, ginseng and ginkgo biloba all help to promote circulation, improve stamina, memory and learning skills. Great for students and a healthy, refreshing pick me up! This tea contains caffeine
Selling online and at Go Vita Stores & a variety of health food outlets & small supermarkets in Australia
ACO - Australian Certified Organic | Our factory is approved for export by AQIS and we are GMP/HACCP accredited | We were awarded Exporter of Year, from our regional council
New to Japan
Each teabag is individually wrapped & complete with string and tag and there are 20 teabags per pack. Ingredients are listed on both the pack and the teabag envelope.
TemperatureShelf Stable
Range of flavour/varietyChoose from Contemporary Design or Original Artwork
Shelf life3 years from date of production
Package/Lot size and size rangese 36g per pack of 20 teabags
Carton size and pallet configuration20 packs per carton x 144 cartons
Indicative PricingAUD$72 FOB
Minimum order quantity1 pallet
Notescan order a mixed pallet with other teas


Unique Selling Proposition
Hemp Seeds are rich in Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids, and are a perfect protein containing all the essential 20 amino acids. They benefit hair, skin and nails are good for digestion and may help with arthritis and joint pain. We combine certified organic hempseed with certified organic green tea, one of the best anti-oxidants to make a flavourful tea with maximum benefits. This tea contains caffeine.
Selling online and at Go Vita Stores & a variety of health food outlets & small supermarkets in Australia
ACO - Australian Certified Organic | Our factory is approved for export by AQIS and we are GMP/HACCP accredited | We were awarded Exporter of Year, from our regional council
New to Japan
Each teabag is individually wrapped & complete with string and tag and there are 20 teabags per pack. Ingredients are listed on both the pack and the teabag envelope.
TemperatureShelf Stable
Range of flavour/varietyChoose from Contemporary Design or Original Artwork
Shelf life3 years from date of production
Package/Lot size and size rangese 36g per pack of 20 teabags
Carton size and pallet configuration20 packs per carton x 144 cartons
Indicative PricingAUD$72 FOB
Minimum order quantity1 pallet
Notescan order a mixed pallet with other teas
Business location has not been defined